
Contemplation of Legend Fisherman

Before knowing any super sophisticate equipment in the modern word like today. on upon time the traditional society carry out agriculture or fishing activities. they do natural contemplation. Here we are exploring a fishing village on the island of Bali, precisely on the island of Serangan which is in the south. not far from Sanur and Denpasar as the capital of Bali. 15 minutes by taxi and this area is very popular with the name Turtle Island apart from the turtle conservation activities. we chatted with local people who we found sitting relaxed in the hut they made as a resting place after doing fishing activities.

What is very interesting about this conversation is about how they determine the schedule for fishing activities from calculating the tide and low tide and, the preparation tools they do according to the catch season. very interesting they do without using sophisticated tools such as GPS or other applications. they say they refer to either a calculation of the full moon and dead month or a calculation of time based on the traditional Balinese calendar.

In the traditional calendar recorded the name of the day and more complete information like the one called Sasih, Uku,  from that calculation they have a conclusion to go to sea and from the habits of the missionaries of the fishermen's catch. Apart from knowledge of the traditional calendar it is very important to know the mapping of places through the star coordinate, as well as some geographic knowledge of the position of mountains or hills that can be seen from the sea at a certain distance to find out the direction and purpose for sailing other than using a manual compass.

We learned a little about the basic knowledge of fishermen so that maybe we can practice it when we search for seaweed and determine the tide and low tide.

see more Balinese authentic to more closer with the local people and support the local nature with friendly travel 

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